Bodice Tacking Form


Bodice Tacking Form: Part 2

Time: 16 minutes

Pattern by: Tutus That Dance

If you’ve made the tutu tacking form and you know how indispensable it is, you’re going to want to make the bodice form. This portable form can hold your work in progress while you’re sitting at your cutting table, work table or even in your lap. You can pin your embellishments onto your bodice and see how it will actually lay when on your dancer. Use the form to see where to attach bodice straps! You can put the bodice form above the tutu tacking form because the pipes fit over the ones on the tutu tacking form. If you want to make an entire body form, Tutus that Dance has that pattern, too.

Learn the art of the classical tutu.  Whether you’re new to tutus, a seasoned pro or somewhere in between you will learn how to make a classical ballet Tutu.

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