• Baroque Jacket

    Baroque Jacket: Panel Construction

    Time: 3 minutes

    Pattern by: Tutus That Dance

    Ballet is all about telling a story and nothing tells it better than a regal royal jacket! The Baroque Jacket from Tutus that Dance is beautifully designed for ease in adding all the fun historical details. We set the sleeves on an undervest and use a front opening instead of a back opening. Bagging out the front edges gives us a clean finished look. Let your imagination soar without the fear of sewing a jacket for your prince!

    Learn the art of the classical tutu.  Whether you’re new to tutus, a seasoned pro or somewhere in between you will learn how to make a classical ballet Tutu.

    Helpful step by step learning. Our videos will provide quick access to specific subjects as needed. Tips, tricks, and specials for members only.  Support from our talented teachers. Question and answer sessions. All at home and at your own speed, with 24/7 access to hundreds of topics. We’ll be there for you providing needed skills, information and resources for all.

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    0 1180
  • Baroque Jacket

    Baroque Jacket: Pattern Construction

    Time: 33 minutes

    Pattern by: Tutus That Dance

    Ballet is all about telling a story and nothing tells it better than a regal royal jacket! The Baroque Jacket from Tutus that Dance is beautifully designed for ease in adding all the fun historical details. We set the sleeves on an undervest and use a front opening instead of a back opening. Bagging out the front edges gives us a clean finished look. Let your imagination soar without the fear of sewing a jacket for your prince!

    Learn the art of the classical tutu.  Whether you’re new to tutus, a seasoned pro or somewhere in between you will learn how to make a classical ballet Tutu.

    Helpful step by step learning. Our videos will provide quick access to specific subjects as needed. Tips, tricks, and specials for members only.  Support from our talented teachers. Question and answer sessions. All at home and at your own speed, with 24/7 access to hundreds of topics. We’ll be there for you providing needed skills, information and resources for all.

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    0 1216
  • Baroque Jacket

    Baroque Jacket: Pattern Pieces

    Time: 30 minutes

    Pattern by: Tutus That Dance

    Ballet is all about telling a story and nothing tells it better than a regal royal jacket! The Baroque Jacket from Tutus that Dance is beautifully designed for ease in adding all the fun historical details. We set the sleeves on an undervest and use a front opening instead of a back opening. Bagging out the front edges gives us a clean finished look. Let your imagination soar without the fear of sewing a jacket for your prince!

    Learn the art of the classical tutu.  Whether you’re new to tutus, a seasoned pro or somewhere in between you will learn how to make a classical ballet Tutu.

    Helpful step by step learning. Our videos will provide quick access to specific subjects as needed. Tips, tricks, and specials for members only.  Support from our talented teachers. Question and answer sessions. All at home and at your own speed, with 24/7 access to hundreds of topics. We’ll be there for you providing needed skills, information and resources for all.

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    0 1313
  • Baroque Jacket

    Baroque Jacket: Under Shirt

    Time: 5 minutes

    Pattern by: Tutus That Dance

    Ballet is all about telling a story and nothing tells it better than a regal royal jacket! The Baroque Jacket from Tutus that Dance is beautifully designed for ease in adding all the fun historical details. We set the sleeves on an undervest and use a front opening instead of a back opening. Bagging out the front edges gives us a clean finished look. Let your imagination soar without the fear of sewing a jacket for your prince!

    Learn the art of the classical tutu.  Whether you’re new to tutus, a seasoned pro or somewhere in between you will learn how to make a classical ballet Tutu.

    Helpful step by step learning. Our videos will provide quick access to specific subjects as needed. Tips, tricks, and specials for members only.  Support from our talented teachers. Question and answer sessions. All at home and at your own speed, with 24/7 access to hundreds of topics. We’ll be there for you providing needed skills, information and resources for all.

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    0 1231
  • Baroque Jacket

    Baroque Jacket: Intro

    Time: 32 minutes

    Pattern by: Tutus That Dance

    Ballet is all about telling a story and nothing tells it better than a regal royal jacket! The Baroque Jacket from Tutus that Dance is beautifully designed for ease in adding all the fun historical details. We set the sleeves on an undervest and use a front opening instead of a back opening. Bagging out the front edges gives us a clean finished look. Let your imagination soar without the fear of sewing a jacket for your prince!


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    0 1914
  • Pleating Board


    Pleating Board

    Time: 28 minutes

    Details can make your tutu unique and exciting. I make a pleating board in this video and show you how you can add a fun detail to your next project. This is not a time-saving procedure, but you’ll love the results!

    Learn the art of the classical tutu.  Whether you’re new to tutus, a seasoned pro or somewhere in between you will learn how to make a classical ballet Tutu.

    Helpful step by step learning. Our videos will provide quick access to specific subjects as needed. Tips, tricks, and specials for members only.  Support from our talented teachers. Question and answer sessions. All at home and at your own speed, with 24/7 access to hundreds of topics. We’ll be there for you providing needed skills, information and resources for all.

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    0 2560